This book starts with Spinillos’s provocation: to compare medicines and industrialized food/beverage products. This provocation is based on the fact that poor legibility and
readability of informative texts, the use of technical jargons and small typographic font size are problems common to medicines inserts, nutrition facts, and lists of ingredients of
food/beverage products. Spinillo argues that critical information about food composition should be presented as clearly as possible to consumers. This information is designed to support a narrative. The importance of narratives in design has been central to many studies (Bizzocchi, 2014; Forlizzi and Ford; Grimaldi, Fokkinga, and Ocnarescu, 2013). Although its importance is well accepted, a more precise concept and typology of narratives in design are still being constructed. Another design artifact that is based on narratives is the infographic that uses pictures and text to express temporality creatively. Vieira, Cunha, and Rolim explored the relationship between narratives and infographics to bring a broad view of what are the main issues
being discussed in Brazil.
1- Challenging Titans: Propo'sing the triangle as a front of packaging warning nutrition labeling for Brazil
2- Infographics and narrative: exploring concepts
3- Information Design and Infography: contributions to enhance audiologists through digital educational material
4- The roaring silence of the Amazonian General Language in printed material from the 19th century: a design study
5- Visualizing data on graphic memory research
6- Digital datasheet for archives of images
7- Information on the road: towards a methodoly for the study of truck art
8- From Para to Brazil, Joao Francisco Madureira: a pioneer in Brazilian type design
9- Capixaba Press: analysis of the graphic and editorial production of Chanaan magazine, published between 1936 and 1939
10- A picture of time and knowledge in the almanacs from Amazonas (1870 to 1927)
11- Methodological procedures for the interpretation of images present in tactile illustrated books
12- The construction of meaning and collaboration in interactive media: discussion from the Libras Glossary
13- Memory aids, information artifacts and aging: medication-taking strategies
14- The trajectory of design/education at UFPE and the actions of RIDE
15- Reading images for telling narratives: an analysis of the Discursive Operations made with a story-telling game
16- Vernacular urban communication and ephemeral educational materials: the possible link between design and education during the process of literacy development in children
17- Drawing or Design? Contribution to the definition of designology